4 Excellent Bands I Found from Blogging: Deer Lord, Rifflord, Sons Of Arrakis, & 10,000 Years-Part 3

Here is another post about several bands that I discovered since starting the Jam Yeti Music Blog, just over four months ago. This is part 3 of this feature. You can find the other two posts at the links provided (part 1 and part 2). It is my quest to find new underground bands and artists and promote their excellent music to everyone who will listen. I am super passionate about the music that I listen to and write about and I am continually blown away by the talent pool of bands out there. Here are four more bands that I discovered from my research reviewing new albums and blogging. 


I discovered Deer Lord from a Facebook post that showed up in my feed. I don’t remember who posted it but it was a picture of the album cover of Dark Matter Pt.2. The person who posted it stated that they had discovered their album of the year. That was a pretty bold statement to make and I had been currently searching for new bands to listen to and hopefully write about. Well, I tracked down Deer Lord’s albums and the rest is history. They are fantastic! I really like the vibe that this band brings to their music and I just really dig their sound. To me, they have a raw intensity to their songs and just the right amount of variance of doom, heavy rock, psychedelia, and metal. I even sense a hardcore flavor to their sound, which is very subtle. I like the mix of the longer psychedelic and expansive songs with the shorter straight up rockers. I have really enjoyed all three of the Deer Lord releases but especially like the latest, Dark Matter Pt.2 (review here). I had to include it on my top twenty list because it’s awesome and I’ve listened to it numerous times since the discovery. It is only about thirty one minutes long in total but the six songs captures the essence and authenticity of this band. I can’t wait to hear what they will do next!


Rifflord was a pleasant surprise to me after I listened to 39 Serpent Power several times. The music just grew on me and I became hooked! The band has an aggressive metal edge to their sound but it is complemented with some killer riff rock and doom. The name says it all, “Rifflord”! 39 Serpent Power (review here) really delivers the goods! I enjoy their other two full lengths but 39 Serpent Power is crushing all the way through. I am definitely paying full attention to Rifflord and can’t wait to hear what the band will do next. They are currently signed to Ripple Music.


The Canada based band is another fairly new discovery for me. The buzz around these guys was pretty substantial and when I heard Volume II, I knew there was something wonderful about Sons Of Arrakis. The band has it all, great riffs, excellent guitar solos, and exceptional vocals. I remember a post from Vegas Rock Revolution and John Gist mentioned that I should listen to the debut album as well. After hearing it, I was floored! It sounds amazing and is a little more immediate than Volume II. Sons Of Arrakis are on the verge of making a huge impact on the stoner and doom community, if they haven’t already. Volume II (review here) has a little more progression than the debut but I enjoy both of them equally. 

10,000 YEARS 

Sweden’s 10,000 Years packs a mean punch! The metal induced stoner rock aggression that this band unleash, is devastating. Their latest, All Quiet On The Final Frontier dropped this past November and they really got me! I definitely regret not including it on my top twenty because it rips! The late release in the year is partially to blame but negligence on my part is the complete story. I really think this band is tremendous and All Quiet On The Final Frontier (review here) is my favorite from them. The progression is pronounced in a natural way on that record, where the band didn’t compromise their heavy sound at all. They delivered in a big way and the more I hear from 10,000 Years, the more I love them! Sweden has certainly earned its top spot for exceptional heavy rock music, and 10,000 Years has climbed to the top. They definitely have a unique sound about them that I truly appreciate and enjoy. Like Rifflord, the band is signed to Ripple Music.

There you have it. Four more excellent bands that have prompt me to further investigate their other releases. I love finding new bands that have multiple albums or recordings, especially if they are great, like the ones here. Thank you for reading! If you haven’t heard any or all of the mentioned bands then I highly recommend and encourage it. 

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