About/Contact Me

My name is Mark Richard and I welcome you to the Jam Yeti Music Blog. My life long passion and obsession for heavy rock music has led me to this decision to start this page. I will share reviews and insights on the many bands that have inspired, enriched, and have had a profound impact on me. For all of my life (nearly fifty years now!) I have been a huge fan of music. Rock, metal, hardcore, punk, funk, thrash, death, grind, progressive, stoner, fuzz, desert, doom, sludge, atmospheric, and any other label that you can attach. In different stages of my adolescence and adulthood, I have gravitated towards the above mentioned styles. I am mostly interested in heavy, guitar driven rock. 

The purpose of the Jam Yeti Music Blog is to share my love of the heavy riff rock genre (and all of it’s variations) and promote the bands that continue to fulfill and drive me through this unpredictable life. Many of the artists are considered underground and unknown in the global music world but are super talented and worthy of praise, in my opinion. I will provide record and live reviews and profiles of the bands that continue to grind it out day to day, with a purpose and love for their craft, while providing such enjoyment for us listeners. I will only write about what I like and will not bash or criticize any band that I don’t. Music is very personal and subjective and to be honest, my tastes can be varied and critical. Certain bands that I “should” like, don’t do it for me or move me at this particular time. However, it has been my experience that I will sometimes connect with some bands in later times, based on the mood I’m in or feeling, and then I become a fan. Music is so powerful in that way! Some bands that I loved as a kid or teenager, I couldn’t care less for now. The opposite is also true. There are bands and records that I have loved for my whole life that continue to move and inspire me. 

Music is a time stamp to different moments and memories that can be revisited at any time. It can bring out many emotions, good and bad, and carry you through difficult times too. Being in several past bands myself, I can relate to the struggles that most artists face trying to get gigs and spreading their music to the masses. For most underground bands, there is not much money to be made and the sacrifices are real, it’s definitely a labor of love. I want to promote these excellent bands and hopefully introduce new fans to their wonderful music. I will provide links at the end of each review to the band’s website, Bandcamp, and include YouTube videos or clips, for readers to check out. I encourage everyone, if you like a particular band, dig deeper, purchase their records, T-shirts, and other merchandise directly from the bands or their respective labels. This will help the artists continue to tour and keep creating and releasing new material.

 I try and support the bands I like by attending shows when they come around and buying some merchandise also. I truly believe it’s important to help promote these bands and musicians by writing about them and trying to gain them new fans. I will primarily focus on bands and recordings that were released in 2023 and 2024 currently. I may revisit older releases from time to time that have had a big impact on me but my main focus will be on the here and now. I hope you enjoy reading my blog posts and reviews. Please feel free to comment on my posts and share your opinions on any bands that you may find compelling. If you know other people that might be interested in this blog then please spread the word and share my posts. I would love to build a nice community of like minded individuals that enjoy heavy riff rock and all that is heavy. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback. Please contact me if you have any questions too.

Thanks for reading! 

[email protected]
