Möuth – Global Warning
Möuth is a three piece band out of Stockholm, Sweden. They play a mix of styles ranging from stoner/ doom/ grunge/ metal/ heavy rock/ and progressive. The band consists of Martin Sandström on guitar, Fredrik Aspelin on drums, and Erik Nordström on bass and vocals. Global Warning is their debut release and the album came out on February 14th 2025, on Bonebag Records. It contains nine tracks and is about forty minutes long.
Möuth are a very engaging band that successfully blend different styles of music in a very organic way, in which the sound is fluid and natural. Global Warning is an interesting record that grows on you with each listen. I found myself intrigued every time and wanted to keep hearing more. The slow brewing process of each song building more enjoyment each time are the types of recordings that become stand outs, as the year rolls on.
“Holy Ground” opens the album with the drums starting things off as the riff then kicks right in. The initial fuzzy rocking beginning is pretty typical in regard to structure but the band has a different dynamic edge about them. The vocals sound solid and work great with this song, incorporating some backing parts also. The mid point of the track finds the band exploring subtle psych sounds merging into the guitar leads, for an expansion of the music. “Dirt” begins with a raunchy bass intro that drives into a riot rocking song. The raw and fuzzy sound is accompanied by hard rocking drums and punk fueled elements that pushes the song in a forward moving momentum. It blends right into “Speed Of Life”. Erik Nordström’s vocals are pretty unique sounding and also mesmerizing in its ability to carry the song. The guitar leads from Martin Sandström are remarkable and interpenetrate the track to fade out seamlessly into “Sheep”. One of the longer tracks on Global Warning, “Sheep” begins with the drums and some clean-ish guitars that escalates into more fuzz. The song has a contemporary and controlled drift about it that combines elements of noise to hard rock into progressive and psychedelic, with a anfractuous rhythm and drive. The song carries out a nice riff laden musical jam at the end which is cool.
“World Of Pain” is a mellow and doomy interlude about a minute and a half long. The song is a great place mark on the album which separates the first and second half but in an elaborate way. The track doesn’t sound out of place in context to any of the songs but as an added adjunct or companion to the music. “Appetite” is next and has a nice proto-metal groove to it. The riff has a simple charm and airiness feel combined with the flair in which the band executes.
The last three tracks have an almost new wave quirkiness to them, at least in part. Möuth construct a certain sound that resembles many types of music but in their own way. “Alike” has a punky tempo with the bass and drums. The guitars are clean and expressive with its springy melodies throughout the verses. The track cranks in some augmented fuzz between the verses that are a riff rocking delight. The colorful bass playing from Nordström throughout this track is excellent also. The band has a catchy overtone of melody with this song. “Mantra” begins with a warm and fuzzy bass riff and splatters in clean guitars. The drums and bass command the rhythm of the song mostly with the accented guitars shading in the riffs perfectly. The vocals are on point and the drums capture some fantastic fills midway through the song. In fact, the solid drumming from Fredrik Aspelin throughout Global Warning is worth mentioning. He really brings the relevant dynamics with every song. He never overplays but always provides the best solidarity structure for any given sonic situation.
The final track on the album is called “In My City”. The song has a catchy vibe about it and is a very suitable closure. It has a post punk eccentric lure and sucks you right in. The idiosyncratic design is met with a great musically fulfilling ending. The band are fascinating songwriters and talented musicians. It’s hard to believe that this is their debut album based on the diversity and creativity that they developed on Global Warning. Möuth are definitely in contention for new artist of the year with this outstanding album.
