The Clamps – Megamouth

The Clamps are a three piece speed/ stoner rock n’ roll band from Bergamo, northern Italy. The band formed in 2012 and have three albums available, 2013’s Deadly Kick For A Fat Fucker, 2017’s Blend, Shake, Swallow, and 2024’s Megamouth. The lineup consists of Ben on guitar and vocals, Bely on bass, and Marcy on drums. Megamouth was released on January 27th 2024 on Heavy Psych Sounds. The Clamps totally slipped past my radar last year and I have just recently discovered this band. Wow, they are fantastic! The Italian three piece create some of the finest punk fueled rock n’ roll that I have heard in a very long time. The ten track, thirty five minute album is a total ripper!

The title track “Megamouth” opens up the record with a sonic blast of stoner grooves that somewhat prepare you for what’s to come thereafter. The two minute and twenty two second instrumental intro is a riffalicious segway into the speed rocking rager that’s next. “Forty-nine” is a hardcore driven delight of stripped down rock n’ roll. The Clamps deliver the goods with their raucous sound that hits all the right spots. When “Freedom To Run (down)” kicks in, it’s go time for the hook laden choruses to emerge. Ben’s vocals are raw and raspy and fits the music perfectly. His scorching guitar leads are pure rock fury and everything sounds so well put together. “Bill Jenkins” begins with a sample leading into the drum pounding beginning. The song is an aggressive power chord menace that is born from punk and hardcore riffing. The shouting style vocals are the perfect combination with this amplified rocker. 

“Blood” is next and doesn’t hold back either. The Clamps are hell bent on delivering a dirty slab of no holds barred rock n’ roll. The dynamic rhythm section of Bely on bass and Marcy on drums is a killer combination. They jive nicely together and complement Ben’s guitar savagery quite eloquently. “Cubamedusa” is another slamming instrumental of terRIFFic proportions! The Clamps adroitly insert this song in the middle of the album which really heightens and enriches the riotous rockers more, in my opinion. The structure that’s laid out keeps Megamouth more compelling, rather than just a continuous blast of straight out oblivion. It’s these little nuances that keeps things more fresh and exciting. 

“Roll Back The Years” has a ‘feel good’ swagger to it. It’s a rock and rhythm classic sound that only a band like The Clamps are capable of producing with the right energy inflicted. “Raze The Land” has a savage sway of groove happening and it’s another excellent song. The band has a very tight sound throughout the whole album and nothing seems out of place. Granted the music is simple in structure and delivery but it’s just well performed all the way through. I love the sound quality and production of the recording too. It doesn’t sound too polished but it’s very clear and precise.

The ninth track “Bombs” is yet another excellent rocker. The song has a smooth flow throughout and is pretty tame with its strut worthy sonic prancing. Catchy, yet aggressive hooks are distinguished and there’s a cool break at the two and a half minute mark. After a chorded ring out, the fuzzy bass plays alone and is soon greeted with a build up of drums. It then kicks right into a fiery guitar lead and draws back into the main rhythm. The Clamps articulate some great song crafting skills and deliver a bomb! The final track on the album is called “Slippin’ Away”. It’s a nice upbeat closure with a delightful dosage of grooves and infectious riffage. The cut is a satisfying conclusion to an awesome record. Had I not missed this album last year, I can confidently say that I would have found a spot on my year end list for this. Megamouth attacks and executes everything that I love about fast style rock and roll. It’s not as viscous as Zeke or Annihilation Time, but for me, it’s just as damn convincing and satisfying.

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